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Система для игры в рулетку French Roulette Quads Betting

What I like to do with the single zero "French" roulette is to place a chip on the "basket" - bet 0123 then on 5 different "quads" under the basket bet.

A chip on 4,5,7,8-
A chip on 11,12,14,15-
A chip on 16,17,19,20-
A chip on 23,24,26,27-
A chip on 28,29,31,32-
A chip on 32,33,35,36

There I have 7- chips out on the field and their all "quads" that pay (8 to 1) I most of the time hit the number and I get my chips recycled back to me and pick up 2 - "profit" chips...

Дата створення/оновлення: 25.05.2018