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Система для игры в рулетку Runs And Trends

Here is a nice bet selection method if you like to bet runs and trends. 1st use before last to determine next bet. 2nd wait for 2 hits in a row ex. 1- R R (R) (R) then bet red for 2bets. This puts you on straight run side. If R B (R) (B) then bet R which puts you on chop. If miss bet B. Again, when before last hits 2 in a row, bet before last twice. Now, if before last hits 2 out last 3, bet before last once ex. 2- R R (R) B (R) bet B once to pick up possible change in trend. What if two losses on ex. 1? Then bet opposite before last for 2 bets ex. 3- R R (R) (R) B B then bet R R. Notice how this puts you on possible trend R R B B R R B B. When you miss 2 bets switch back to follow before last. The same for ex. 2, if miss 2 out of 3, then bet opp. bl once. This is good for up on win progressions such as 1 2 3 5 7 9 11, up on win back 1 on loss.

Дата створення/оновлення: 25.05.2018